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What do you get?
Unlimited users​
Full access to the binni platform
Photo and file storage
Unlimited reporting
Real time view into ongoing operations
Automated notifications
API integrations with other tools
Premium add-ons available
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the free trial work?
The free trial gives you access for unlimited users for a project to the full binni platform. All data generated during the free trial will be yours to utilize and keep during and after the trial concludes.
What happens when the free trial ends?
Prior to the end of the free trial you be asked if you would like to move into a paid plan. If you do not wish to continue, your trial will automatically end without any further action on your part.
How does the consumption based pricing work?
Binni charges per cubic yard/meter processed through the binni platform. A company/project will be invoiced on a monthly basis per the number of cubic yards consumed in the prior month.
It is volume-based pricing such that you will pay the same price for each cubic yard/meter consumed that month.
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